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Biomatrix Est-Adapt


Est-Adapt is an estriol-only formula, maximizing dosing options and clinical success. Est-Adapt contains 0.5 mg per drop of estriol while the competing product contains 0.2 mg per drop.

Other brands combine estriol and progesterone in the same formula, negating the opportunity for precision dosing. This creates limitations for addressing clinical needs and eliminates the option to use estriol on its own. For example, if a patient needs an additional 10 mg of estriol and is taking the combination product, they would be getting an extra 200 mg of progesterone, which may not be necessary and may even be harmful.

Estriol promotes a feeling of youthfulness, increased energy levels. Est-Adapt contains bio-identical estriol derived from extractions of the Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa).

• Contains estriol, an estrogen
• Highly specific dosing options
• Bioidentical estriol in oil form (food grade formula)